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Ramid IImusic notation output for the ramid.py melody composerversion 2.0 |
At the 2009 Music Hack Day Boston, I wrote ramid.py, which composes melodies and outputs MIDI files. For the 2010 Hack Day I added PDF score output using Abjad, a Python library built on the LilyPond music notation system.
Some ramid.py melodies (mp3, 850K)
PyraQuant, the C language predecessor to ramid.py, composed this short piece (mp3, 380K).
Ramid II composed:
Gnossienne_nr_404.mid / Gnossienne_nr_404.pdf, and
ramid_ii_qiyBEMYJ9.mid / ramid_ii_qiyBEMYJ9.pdf (bouncier).
Here's the theory of how these programs compose melodies.
spianostaff.py has the class that paints a single melody across the treble/bass clef piano staff.
ramid_ii.py composes a melody and outputs MIDI (via pythonmidi) and/or PDF (via spianostaff, Abjad and LilyPond).
Abjad -- Python API for building LilyPond scores.
LilyPond -- Music notation rendering system.
pythonmidi -- Max M's midi library is used in the original ramid.py and in Ramid II. LilyPond can produce midi output but ramid*.py adds expression to the midi that's not in the score.
This page was made with a
php script.
Last change 2013-11-17.
--Steve Witham
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