myke: the 2% of make that does 50% of what I need (in 374 lines of Python)

version 0.1

It began with an elaborate idea of a dependency analyzer, boiled down to something much simpler, and turned into Make that weekend.
--Stuart Feldman

See, my laptop currently has only one small functioning partition, so I can't install the whole developer tools suite onto it. I was working on some Java code on the laptop. The project includes a Makefile, but I had to compile by hand on the laptop.

I noticed the basic Mac OS X install includes gcc, javac, jar, and java, but not make (nor ant nor SCons). That's when it occurred to me:

"Gee, I don't do anything really...complicated with make..."
So I spent nine hours on Saturday writing the gist of make in Python. At that point myke did all the basic stuff I use make for in my own work. Sunday I spent another nine hours futzing. The flip side of diminishing returns is that the first 2% of a project gives you an inflated opinion of yourself. Yet another make-maker.

I've since found that although gnumake is compiled from about 70 times as many source lines and bytes as myke, its compiled binary is only about 300K bytes, and it does run when copied to my laptop (no missing or incompatible libraries). So myke has been a diversion from what I was doing on Friday.

I modeled myke on make's behavior, rather than documentation or any opinions of my own. It was nice having so few design questions or decisions to make. One mystery is the difference between "nothing to be done for 'all'," and "target 'all' is up-to-date." The latter seems to happen when there were rules to run, but make didn't echo any of them to the terminal. You can trigger this by creating a rule with a line beginning with a tab but otherwise blank. myke doesn't go for that.

I liked working on a program called "myke." For instance there are "raise MykeException" statements, and comments like "myke counts on it."

myke is crazy like a fox, but not quite the character.
myke uses McGuffin-based parsing.
myke was inside of make, looking for a way out.
myke searches for significant whitespace.

Here's the code to download and "inline" (take two they're small):

#!/usr/bin/env python
    myke -- The 2% of make that does 50% of what I need.
            (The other 50% being to build other people's code.)
    This file:
          375 lines,  11K bytes.
    The 33 C files in Gnu make 3.00's source:
       30,000 lines, 790K bytes
    Steve Witham, "ess" "double-you" at remove-this tiac dot net

progname = "myke" 
Makefile = "Makefile"

def usage():
    print >>stderr, '''\
Usage: %s [-s|--silent] [-n|--dry-run] [target]
       Makefile is always "%s".''' % ( progname, Makefile )
    exit( 1 )

from sys import argv, stdout, stderr, exc_info, exit
from os import getenv, stat, stat_float_times, system

be_silent = False
dry_run = False
whitespace = [ ' ', '\t', '\\\n', '\n' ]
name_end = whitespace + [ c for c in "$(){}=:" ]
# no whitespace in target or variable names

def myke( target=None ):
    dependencies = {}  # { target: list_of_subtargets... }
    scripts = {}       # { target: list_of_commands... }

    target = read_Makefile( dependencies, scripts, target )
    times = {}
    stat_float_times()  # Tells stat() to return floats if it can.
    check_dependencies( target, dependencies, scripts, times )
    if times[ target ] == "MAKE":
        build( target, dependencies, scripts, times )
        if dry_run and be_silent:
            return 1  # needs to be built

        warning( "Nothing to be done for "+repr(target)+"." )

    return 0

def read_Makefile( dependencies, scripts, target=None ):
    current_command_target = None
    vardict = VarDict()

        M = open( Makefile, 'r' )
        line = ""
        lineno = 1
        while True:
            lineno += line.count( '\n' )
            line = read_continuation_lines( M )
            if line == "":

            line = substitute_vars( line, lineno, vardict )
            p = skip_whitespace( line, 0 )
            if p == len( line )  or  line[p] == '#':  # blank line or comment:

            if line[0] == '\t':                       # command line:
                if current_command_target:
                    scripts[ current_command_target ].append( line[ 1: ] )
                    # (Newlines are removed after printing before running.)

                    parse_err( line, lineno, 1, 
                              "Command isn't directly under a target.  Stop." )

            token = get_token( line, 0, name_end )
            p += len( token )
            if token and line[ p ] == '=':            # setting a variable:
                p += len( '=' )
                vardict[ token ] = " ".join( split_at_whitespace( line[p:] ) )
                current_command_target = None

            elif token and line[p] == ':':            # target: dependencies
                p += len( ':' )
                if token in dependencies:
                    parse_err( line, lineno, 0,
                              "Extra rule for target "+repr(token)+".  Stop." )

                dependencies[ token ] = split_at_whitespace( line[ p : ] )
                current_command_target = token
                if target == None:
                    target = token  # first target in the file
                scripts[ token ] = []

                parse_err( line, lineno, 0,
                          "Can't parse.  Stop." )

    return target

def read_continuation_lines( f ):
    """ Read lines until EOF or line not ending in backslash.
        single string returned including all backslashes and newlines.
    whole_line = ""
    while True:
        line = f.readline()
        if line == "":
            return whole_line

        if line[ -1 ] != '\n':  # Last line with no newline:
            line += '\n'        # myke counts on it.
        whole_line += line
        if len(line) < 2  or  line[ -2 ] != '\\':
            return whole_line

def check_dependencies( target, dependencies, scripts, times, parent=None ):
    if target in times:

        my_time = stat( target ).st_mtime
        if not target in dependencies: # i.e., no rule for target,
            times[ target ] = my_time

    except OSError:  # Assuming this means the file or directory doesn't exist.
        my_time = None
        if not target in dependencies:
            message = "*** No rule to make target " + repr(target)
            if parent:
                message += ", needed by " + repr(parent)
            runtime_err( message + ".  Stop.", 1 )

    times[ target ] = "CHECKING"
    latest_dep = None
    for dep in dependencies[ target ]:
        if times.get( dep ) == "CHECKING":
            warning( "Circular " +dep+ " <- " +dep+ " dependency dropped." )

        check_dependencies( dep, dependencies, scripts, times, parent=target )
        latest_dep = latest_of( latest_dep, times[ dep ] )
    if my_time == None:
        if scripts[ target ]:
            times[ target ] = "MAKE"
            times[ target ] = latest_dep
        if my_time == latest_of( my_time, latest_dep ):
            times[ target ] = my_time
            times[ target ] = "MAKE"

def latest_of( a, b ):
    if a == "MAKE"  or  b == "MAKE":
        return "MAKE"

    return max( a, b )

def build( target, dependencies, scripts, times ):
    if times[ target ] != "MAKE":

    times[ target ] = "MAKING"

    for dep in dependencies[ target ]:
        build( dep, dependencies, scripts, times )

    for command in scripts[ target ]:
        if command[0] == '@':       # one-line silent treatment
            command = command[1:]   # (remove the '@')
        elif not be_silent:
            print command.rstrip()
        if not dry_run:
            whites = [ '\t', '\\\n', '\n' ]
            command = " ".join( split_at_whitespace( command, whites ) )
            retcode = system( command )
            if retcode != 0:
                err, sig = retcode / 256, retcode % 256
                runtime_err( "*** [" + target + "] Error " + str(err), err )

    times[ target ] = "MADE"

def substitute_vars( line, lineno, vardict ):
    """ Myke doesn't do recursive substitution. """
    #  $$  ${blah}  $(blah)  or  $v
    #  where v is any char not in the "name_end" set.
    parens = { "(": ")", "{": "}" }
    p = 0
    result = ""
    while p < len( line ):
        q = line[p:].find( '$' )
        if q == -1:

        result += line[ p : p + q ]
        p += ( q + len( '$' ) )
        if line[p] == '$':  # $$ stands for $
            p += len("$")
            result += "$"

        elif line[p] in parens:
            closer = parens[ line[p] ]
            p += len( line[p] )
            varname = get_token( line, p, name_end ) 
            p += len( varname )   # p points at mcguffin.
            if varname == ""  or  line[p] != closer:
                parse_err( line, lineno, p, "Bad long variable reference." )

            p += len(closer)
        elif mcguffin_len( line[p:], name_end ) == None: # one legal name char
            varname = line[p]
            p += len(varname)
            parse_err( line, lineno, p, "Bad variable reference." )

        result += vardict[ varname ]

    return result + line[ p: ]

class VarDict:
    """ Variable dictionary just for myke.  if d = VarDict() then
        d[key] = value    sets myke variable;
        d[key]            gets from myke variable, else os.environ, else "";
        print d           prints the internal dictionary only.

    def __init__( self ):
        self.d = {}

    def __setitem__( self, varname, value ):
        self.d[ varname ] = value

    def __getitem__( self, varname, default="" ):
        if varname in self.d:
            return self.d[ varname ]
            return getenv( varname, default )

    def __repr__( self ):
        return repr( self.d )

class MykeException( Exception ):

def parse_err( line, lineno, p, complaint ):
    """ Complain about line # lineno, without echoing the line,
        but count newlines before position p in line number.
        p should point at or before newline of the offending line.
    lineno += line[ 0 : p ].count( '\n' )
    message = Makefile + ":" + str(lineno)+","+str(p)+": *** " + complaint
    raise MykeException( message, 1 )

def warning( complaint ):
    if not be_silent:
        print >>stderr, progname + ":", complaint

def runtime_err( complaint, errcode ):
    raise MykeException( progname + ": " + complaint, errcode )

def skip_whitespace( line, p, mcguffins=whitespace ):
    while True:
        q = mcguffin_len( line[ p: ], mcguffins )
        if q == None:
            return p

        p += q

def split_at_whitespace( string, mcguffins=whitespace ):
    result = []
    p = 0
    while p < len( string ):
        chunk = get_token( string, p, mcguffins )
        p += len( chunk )
        p += mcguffin_len( string[ p : ], mcguffins )
        if chunk != "":
            result.append( chunk )
    return result

def get_token( line, p, mcguffins=whitespace ):
    q = find_any( line[ p: ], mcguffins )
    if q == -1:  # In this program it's strange not to find a newline...
        return line[ p: ]

        return line[ p: p+q ]

def mcguffin_len( string, mcguffins=whitespace ):
    """ Length of the mcguffin found by find_any() or get_token().
    for substr in mcguffins:
        if string.startswith( substr ):
            return len( substr )
    return None

def find_any( string, mcguffins=whitespace ):
    """ find first instance of...
            any chars in mcguffins if it's a string
            any strings in mcguffins if it's a list.
    first = len( string )
    for substr in mcguffins:
        p = string.find( substr )
        if p >= 0  and  p < first:
            first = p
    if first == len( string ):
        return -1
        return first

if __name__ == "__main__":
   if len(argv) == 0:
       args = []
       progname = argv[0]
       args = argv[ 1: ]
       while len(args) > 0 and args[0].startswith( '-' ):
           if args[0] in [ "-s", "--silent" ]:
               be_silent = True
           elif args[0] in [ "-n", "--dry-run" ]:
               dry_run = True

           args = args[ 1: ]
   if len(args) > 1:

       retcode = myke( *args )
   except MykeException:
       msg, retcode = exc_info()[1].args
       print >>stderr, msg
   exit( retcode )

--Steve Witham
Up to my home page.